Friday, November 14, 2008

Publican's Dream

People’s Republik – November 13, 2008
Group Size ~ 40

Ambience – Pinkos are welcome at this themed bar with all the usual offerings. Dartboards flank the center bar and hot dogs are available but give the bartender at least 20 minutes to plug in the warmer.

Bottom Line – Cheap fried food and pretty inexpensive beer= happiness for all.

Cheers to - SO many new people including Mountaineers, lady friends, and “meet up” buddies. Jeers to - Sarah leaving her laptop behind.

Overall Rating

Ashley says…I can’t believe I missed two ABCs in a row, but Indiana was calling my name…

Leslie says…I’m always a huge fan of any bar with a dart board and wrap around bar. Throw in the cheap apps and great beer and I’m sold. Definitely a great place to belly up at the bar and catch up with a few friends.

Jessica says… Props to P.R. for serving hot dogs. Special shout out to new friends that joined ABC at P!

Bonus- The Field
Group size- 10

Jessica says… Sometimes the party keeps going. Especially when you can stroll down the street to a great pub like the Field. They welcomed us with open arms, Guiness, and a few Brazilian buddies.

Overall Rating